Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The WOW Principle!

I grew up in a home where my Dad taught by example. Bert L. Fairbanks had a Doctoral degree in the study of Physical Health and Education and taught as a professor at the University of Lethbridge for over 30 years. When going on a family vacation with his wife and 4 daughters there was bound to be a little shopping in a few malls along the way. (As the youngest in the family I used to think that shopping is what people did on a vacation, especially if one was traveling across the boarder to the USA) In these times I always remember my dad would have a book in his hand and a pencil behind his ear. He would lean against the outer thresh-hold of the store and wait for his little angels to find magical clothes that made them happy, and then we would continue down one side of the mall and back around on the other side. He happily came along. Other times he would leave for a few hours to continue research on the best exercise equipment and gyms to keep on the cutting edge of weight training. During the summers my Dad would go back to school and sit in on lectures of other professors in order to continue his learning, knowledge and research.

When I would go with him to the university there were books stacked in his office from floor to the ceiling. We would go there so that I could see what he was doing, help do research as a participant in physical fitness abilities, or so that I could bring my friends and practice dance and gymnastic routines while he got some work done.

He spent a lifetime studying out of many different books in a quest for optimal health for himself as well as for society. He wanted to help others have a great quality of life and develop an individual plan to improve their health and fitness. He understood that no one diet will work for everyone; we are each very unique and have different needs.

He wrote two books; "Principle with Promise and Vigor" and "Vitality Through Nutrition & Exercise." He invented and patent an underwater body fat weighing system that could be done in a swimming pool. He developed a fitness leadership training for the Province of Alberta. I knew this as "BE FIT FOR THE 80's."

It is amazing the difference one person can make here on earth. How many lives one life touches at it ripples out even when they are no longer alive. My dad was a dedicated man of integrity. He was stalwart and I cherish his light and his example to me every day. His love of learning, improving and growing in alignment to principle is one I hope to pass on to my own children.

In my dad's first book called Principle with Promise he undertook the study of health through a sacred writing found in a book called Doctrine & Covenants. I too have read this writing many times as I seek for Words of Wisdom beyond the earth; I refer to as the W.O.W. Principle.
As I read and study this sacred record this phrase stands out to me for these days that we live...
 "all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.(Doctrine & Covenants section 89)

I invite you to read it for yourself and ponder what it means to you in your own life. For me this is something I have been pondering for many years...

Eating healthy is something I think about every day. I am still learning and growing in this area. I strive to eat a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits each day through green juices and smoothies, in salads and also steamed. I strive to cut back on my sugar intake to one treat day each week, and limit the portions and frequency of meat. We are blessed to live in times where we can enjoy food from around the world. Eating a variety of healthy foods and drinking of fresh clean water which are so available to us.

The thought I want to share today is this...  The chemical make-up of our tears when we cry because we are experiencing pain, or fear, or sorrow, or joy, or because we are laughing are different. We know that different emotions we experience in our bodies are creating different chemical reactions. So I would like to propose that How we feel; What we are feeling; What we are thinking about; and Why we are eating makes an important difference as to how we will process the food we take into our bodies.

Am I eating because I am tired or board? Am I eating due to frustrations or sadness? Am I eating without even thinking about it? Do I need something sweet to eat because life feels tough? Am I eating to entertain myself? Am I eating because I love myself? Am I feeling thankful as I eat? Am I eating what I feel my body really needs to support the energy required to work and focus optimally? Am I eating for what my body and soul really need? 

Food is God's medicine for our body and soul. Due to the example of my father and the words from this sacred writing I call the W.O.W. Principle, and the promises I am working to obtain in life, I am striving to eat with more gratitude, prudence and thanksgiving.

I would love to share with you this challenge. 

  1. Pray in thankfulness for everything good we have been given and ask for a blessing upon it. 
  2. Take time to appreciate the miracle of our bodies and how they have been created to heal themselves as we give them what they need spiritually, emotionally and physically. 
  3. Take time to gather together with your family and loved ones for meal times and eat as you share in the lessons and adventures of life's experiences. 
  4. Eat mindfully with gratitude and thanksgiving for those who have worked to plant, produce, transport, stock and make food available.
  5. Feel gratitude to those who's hard work provide the necessities of life for us and to those who prepare our meal for us. 
  6. Remember to take a moment to feel loved and cared for just as the lilies of the field.(Matt 6:28)
The W.O.W. Principle is one that comes with a Promise that I know most of us truly desire in our lives,

  • My body and my spirit are connected. 
  • My head and my heart are connected. 
  • I easily align the thoughts of my head and the feelings of my heart with the Creator to discern what is best for me.
  • I accept and love my body as it is now and work to continue to make it even better.
  • All parts of my body work together in one cohesive whole for my highest good.
  • I am aware of negative patterns that distract me from what I truly desire and replace them with more positive and productive patterns that bring great joy.
  • I am developing a healthy lifestyle. It becomes easier each day.
  • I have a positive attitude about What I eat, How I eat, When I eat, and Why I eat.