Monday, July 11, 2016

Lessons from the Nest

Did you know that a hummingbird nest is fused together with spiders webs?

As I anticipated when the 2 little eggs outside my office window were going to hatch, I heard an increase in tweeting birds only to discover that it was not coming from the little hummingbird nest.

After watching and waiting to see the Mother hummingbird to come sit on her eggs for a week we decided to climb up and take a peak inside. Inside we could see that one egg was cracked open unsuccessful of a little chick and the other delicate egg was unhatched.

I began to research for possible reasons why the Mother did not return. It may have been that the temperatures here got too hot and the Mother knew that her eggs did not make it, or it may be that something happened to her in the increase of other twittering activities going on.

We waited another week to be sure and then Steve and I decided to bring the little nest in.

I am even more amazed with our little home builders abilities. Up close the nest appears to be ridged but it is actually soft and springy like a cotton ball. Created with the use of silken spiders webs, feathers and other such natural materials. I marvel at the perfection, the natural instincts, the ability, the effort and skill to make such a fine home.

I feel sad that this little hummingbird family did not make it. I miss watching the diligent Mother at work. The nest brightened each day as we observed the miracle taking place before us.

I feel so grateful that I was permitted observe this little wonder. I have pondered the lessons of the nest for me and why this experience has touched my heart in such a unique way. I realized that although this nest did not have all the action we hoped it would, it has made a BIG impact in our hearts. Some of my lessons from the nest are these.
  1. Life is a precious miracle.
  2. Family relationships are the most important.
  3. Family relationships provide perfect opportunities for growth. 
  4. Relationships are dynamic living things that need nurture and care to grow.
  5. Family relationships require protection and vigilance from danger. 
  6. Family relationships need a quantity of time, quality time and our presence in each moment. 
  7. Love matters most.
  8.  Family relationships need our very, very best. 
  9. On earth and in heaven there is no place like home.
There is a tenderness each time I look out the window, use the front door or see the precious little nest now resting inside my office. It is a reminder to me that we all desire a place to feel safe; A place we can give and receive love and a place we can call home.

If you know this place may you be vigilant.
If you have not yet found it may you begin to create it.
And may God bless you and yours
as I pray for His blessings upon me and mine:)