Thursday, June 9, 2016


Move It! Move It!

 Listen for 3 of  your favorite take-a-ways from this talk, 
Anything that stands out for you personally at this time? 
Anything that you have experienced for yourself? 
For those of you interested and able to connect for a 30 minute group call 
to have a discussion please message me so we can set this up. 

This idea comes from Anasazi and The Arbinger Institute. 
During a lunch break while attending an Arbinger training course we were asked 
to BE AWARE of others around us as people instead of things, such as the waiter or waitress, the sales person, the person driving car and so on.
Since then it is amazing the difference it makes as I to strive to be aware and improve.
This is an opportunity to really strive to seek for the light in others. 
As we find some who's light may be faint, may we help them to make it bright.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Invitation #4 
This is one of my favorite ways to begin each day. 
I love to do this when the house is very quiet and free from distractions. 
It is a way we can really begin to focus on increasing our relationship with God.

Invitation #5
Reminds us of the many wonderful people we have in our lives.
It helps us to remember to breath.
It helps us to remember that the things that we think matter.
It helps us to see and look for the best in others.
It fills us with gratitude and encourages us to tell others about the good we see in them.
If you want take just one person and think of 15 things you love about them.

Invitation #6
Can be a very sacred experience. It has the potential to  have amazing benefits. 
This is an example of individual energy work at it's finest.

 A wonderful energy practitioner named Jolene Victor shared the idea of talking spirit to spirit with me during my first ever energy session. About 4:00 am the next day I sat in my pajamas on the concrete drive way looking into the sky as the stars began to fade into the sun rise. I sat here while I poured out my soul to my loved one believing that the message of my heart could reach theirs. And I had nothing to loose trying it.
Where my loved one was in life, they could not hear the words spoken even if we were sitting in the same room. I felt I had lost this person. My heart was broken and I had reached a point where I knew I could not keep living my life with all those feelings plugged up inside me. I had to do something. I shared all the feelings of my heart and mind and sent them off with a prayer..
As I finished that morning inner peace came. Divine trust was key.
Overtime I have been blessed to see miracles take place. What I feared was once lost, was found again, better than I knew possible.

SMART TIME TARGET #6 is a very sacred and special to me. So I share it with a lot of love. Some shifts may happen immediately and some may take time. It may bring clarity about where you stand and what you feel, It may shed light on what you can and cannot do to help. It is an opportunity for hope and healing to begin.

Monday, June 6, 2016


For the past 15 years I love to watch hummingbirds. There little wings go so fast and they have such skills at flying forward or backward and all ways in between it seems. As I sit in my office facing the window I see this little visitor and it seems that she is storing food in little slots along the siding...then My husband noticed this nest last week.

When we leave the house there is a scurry to the big tree ahead. On guard at all times.
I know of many parents that give 100%  into building a beautiful home and being on guard to ensure the safety, protection and nurture of their families.
I want to say thank you to all parents for doing their best under all kinds of different circumstances.
Until today I have never seen how still and calm a hummingbird can be.
I hope in your busy lives you will find the time to nurture yourselves so you have even more to give and to love one another as you take the time to love yourself.
Receive Fullness & Give Fully.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Smart Time Targets 1-2-3

Invitation 1-2-3 or Saturday - Sunday - Monday:)

SMART TIME TARGET #1 - Get an empowerment journal
SMART TIME TARGET #2 - Ponder, Fast & Pray

Our introductory Empowerment Tool (or ET) will be the opportunity to FAST.

A way to serve others in need is to fast. Fasting is going without food or drink for two consecutive meals in a 24-hour period of time and then giving that which is of equal or greater value from the food that would have been eaten to those in need.

The time that we would normally take to prepare and eat food present us with an opportunity to focus in studying, pondering and prayer. The times when our bodies desire food can be a reminder to check in with Heaven. Fasting is a time to prayerfully look up with our heart's and mind's to seek God's will in our lives.

SMART TIME TARGET #3 - Writing assignment

Discovering our Purposes
I say purposes because we have many times and seasons in our lives along with multiple purposes. Our desire at this time is to become clear on which are most important at this time.

Here are some thoughts and questions to assist your writing:
1) I am in currently in ________ season of my life.
2) What am I now best suited to do?
3) How, Who and Where am I needed most?
4) If I knew what God wanted me to focus on it would be.....
5) With this information what are 2 things I take action on?

As you write just let things flow - it doesn't have to be perfect. It doesn't have to make sense write away. Feel free to write in point form or try placing your pen on the paper and then do not let it off until you feel finished. The important part is just to allow for discovery.