Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Invitation #4 
This is one of my favorite ways to begin each day. 
I love to do this when the house is very quiet and free from distractions. 
It is a way we can really begin to focus on increasing our relationship with God.

Invitation #5
Reminds us of the many wonderful people we have in our lives.
It helps us to remember to breath.
It helps us to remember that the things that we think matter.
It helps us to see and look for the best in others.
It fills us with gratitude and encourages us to tell others about the good we see in them.
If you want take just one person and think of 15 things you love about them.

Invitation #6
Can be a very sacred experience. It has the potential to  have amazing benefits. 
This is an example of individual energy work at it's finest.

 A wonderful energy practitioner named Jolene Victor shared the idea of talking spirit to spirit with me during my first ever energy session. About 4:00 am the next day I sat in my pajamas on the concrete drive way looking into the sky as the stars began to fade into the sun rise. I sat here while I poured out my soul to my loved one believing that the message of my heart could reach theirs. And I had nothing to loose trying it.
Where my loved one was in life, they could not hear the words spoken even if we were sitting in the same room. I felt I had lost this person. My heart was broken and I had reached a point where I knew I could not keep living my life with all those feelings plugged up inside me. I had to do something. I shared all the feelings of my heart and mind and sent them off with a prayer..
As I finished that morning inner peace came. Divine trust was key.
Overtime I have been blessed to see miracles take place. What I feared was once lost, was found again, better than I knew possible.

SMART TIME TARGET #6 is a very sacred and special to me. So I share it with a lot of love. Some shifts may happen immediately and some may take time. It may bring clarity about where you stand and what you feel, It may shed light on what you can and cannot do to help. It is an opportunity for hope and healing to begin.

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