Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Perfect Message

I was sitting with my class of 9 year old boys and girls. Giant spirits in little bodies. I love what they teach me as we visit and discuss important things in life. I love how interactive they are at this age. Through them, I am reminded that being creative, energetic and teachable are very important qualities to nurture at any age.

One day we were discussing forgiveness. I asked them to think about different situations that may happen in their own lives with their family and friends. Two little girls sitting next to each other look at each other and giggle. They then explain how they like to play together most of the time. Sometimes one will get real mad at the other and goes home. Then they call each other after a little while that same day and decide to play some more. (An important piece of advice my Father in law shared with me was to stay out of the battle zone with our kids friends because they change their minds and forgive much faster than we do.)
One boy has his arms folded inside his shirt to keep warm, he tells us how he could probably be nicer to his little sisters. Another boy trying to sit still, smiles as he shares (he may have tickle fairies hiding inside his shoes because there is no way he can keep them on his feet.) that sometimes there are some boys at school that are not very nice to others, and he tells them to leave his friends alone. Then the boy sitting on the end (during another discussion he asked me if I thought unicorns could actually fly) he says very thoughtfully "I have a really good frienemy. Sometimes we get along real good, and sometimes we like to fight. Were good frienemies!"

It got me thinking...Yep I have had some frienemies too... In fact, it seems that each one of them have taught me a lot. In the Real Life Education we are attracted to those who have very important messages, perfectly wrapped and delivered for our growth and learning.  It seems that the closer we are to them the more messages they might have for us. We live in a university, abundant with lessons all around us at the most opportune moments.

So the next time someone makes you super... (mad, annoyed, sad, bothered, frustrated...) remember they are actually serving you with a very important message. (Caution: it may quickly self-destruct.)
This can be an exciting moment...
In your mind you may choose to have this super eye opening self-conversation and say...
 "Hey wait a minute, (Now STOP and put on our SUPER FRIENEMY THINKING CAP

What is my frienemy teaching me about myself right now? 
What am I learning from this perfectly placed messenger at this moment? 

 Frienemy = Friend-in-me 
  1. Opportunities to becoming our best-self; 
  2. To have a good frienemy you must be a good frienemy too.
  3. Worth every effort.

Colors Within Us Affirmations:
  • I recognize my unique skills, gifts and talents. I see the good in myself.
  • I recognize the unique skills, gifts and talents in others. I see the good in others.
  • I live my life in a way that is healthy, happy and progressing.
  • I let go of all anger and resentment. I forgive myself and others quickly.
  • I recognize and incorporate with ease the lessons for me.
  • It is safe for me to do nice things for others without expecting anything back.
  • I am energetic, interested and caring.

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